We discuss the importance of “staging” your home and having professional photos taken in great detail on our seller’s page HERE Suffice it to say that it’s vitally important that your home be presented in its best light, not only in order to attract the greatest number of buyers, but also to net your highest price.

At a minimum, it will require de-cluttering and cleaning from top to bottom, along with having professional photos taken so your home stands out from the rest of the competition. We’ll help you with whatever budget you have to work with, even if that budget is low or potentially non-existent.

Sometimes just a thorough deep cleaning and making the home presentable is all it takes to get your home sold. But if more drastic measures are needed, like minor repairs or replacing broken fixtures, we can still help you by working within your budget, and identifying the things that should be done first.

Call us for a free consultation. We’ll walk through your home together while taking notes on the things we think should be tackled prior to putting your home on the market.

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Related Information:

We discuss the importance of “staging” your home and having professional photos taken in great detail on our seller’s page HERE Suffice it to say that it’s vitally important that your home be presented in its best light, not only in order to attract the greatest number of buyers, but also to net your highest price.

At a minimum, it will require de-cluttering and cleaning from top to bottom, along with having professional photos taken so your home stands out from the rest of the competition. We’ll help you with whatever budget you have to work with, even if that budget is low or potentially non-existent.

Sometimes just a thorough deep cleaning and making the home presentable is all it takes to get your home sold. But if more drastic measures are needed, like minor repairs or replacing broken fixtures, we can still help you by working within your budget, and identifying the things that should be done first.

Call us for a free consultation. We’ll walk through your home together while taking notes on the things we think should be tackled prior to putting your home on the market.

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